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When Asbestos Attacks, who’s to Blame?

by McAleer Law Firm

You’ve probably heard the word asbestos in regards to the recent outpour of lawsuits filed over the harmful substance. Though asbestos is restricted in most areas now, its durability and resistance to heat and fire was once very attractive to builders and manufacturers who weren’t yet aware of the harmful and potentially deadly consequences of breathing in the substance. Over time, prolonged exposure to asbestos can result in serious illnesses, like mesothelioma, a cancer that invades the lungs and other organs. Now that we are aware of the risks associated with asbestos exposure, affected individuals are seeking compensation. So where do you start when filing a suit related to asbestos inhalation?

Breathing just a little asbestos each day can lead to serious health hazards over an extended period of time. Most cases of asbestos related illnesses occur in the workplace, especially those related to construction and building. But even worker’s family members and roommates can be vulnerable to asbestos related illnesses as well. This may happen if the worker comes home in clothes dusted with asbestos, and the roommates or family members breathe in the substance. It doesn’t take much to be affected.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration protect individuals who are exposed to asbestos at the workplace. As for those individuals who aren’t covered by those standards, and who have been exposed to asbestos through a product, the liability for asbestos-related illnesses typically falls under product liability law. These cases are based on strict liability, negligence, or breach of warranty.

If you or a loved one is affected by asbestos-related illnesses, you can and should seek compensation. Charles McAleer and his team of trusted lawyers at McAleer can help you seek justice.