
SMART Tips for Shopping Safely

The holiday season is a busy time for all, especially shoppers as they scourge the shelves for the best deals in sight. But with all the commotion in the store, it can be easy to forget the dangers outside.

This holiday season, don’t become a victim. Use our SMART tips for safe holiday shopping to avoid becoming the target of a potential crime.

S – Shop with a friend or family member, preferably during the daytime. Traveling with another increases your awareness while reducing the opportunity for a criminal. Less visibility makes nighttime shopping a dangerous activity.

M – Mind your surroundings. Make a mental note of suspicious activity and avoid texting or talking on the phone to remain alert. If you believe you are in danger, contact the authorities immediately.

A – Always park in well-lit areas. Try to park close to the store entrance and check that all doors are locked and items that may entice a thief are secured in the trunk. When walking to your car with shopping bags, carry your keys in one hand and cell phone in the other.

R – Review previous transactions online each day. Staying vigilant about your credit transactions will identify fraud or theft and keep your wallet safe.

T – Travel lightly. Do not overburden yourself with bags and purses when walking through the store or parking lot. Carry only as much as you can control to avoid becoming a target of theft or assault.

If you believe you may be a victim of criminal activity, contact your authorities to file a police report.

Stay safe this holiday season and happy shopping from your friends at McAleer Law!