Articles Tagged with personal injury lawyer atlanta

Skiing can be an exhilarating experience and a wildly fun activity, however, it’s an activity that is not without its dangers. In fact, skiing is one of the more dangerous activities that an individual can engage in.

Whenever someone is injured while skiing at a ski resort, it can be very difficult to pinpoint who is responsible. Liability can vary depending on a multitude of factors, such as whether any waivers were signed before engaging in the activity or the exact cause of the injury itself. Regardless of the origin of the injury, if you are ever at a resort and you are injured while skiing or snowboarding, you need to contact your Atlanta accident injury lawyer immediately.
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Soft tissue injuries are some of the most common injuries people experience. While you are discussing or pursuing your injury claim with one of our Atlanta personal injury lawyers, you should also give attention to your body and do what you can to help it heal.
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An Alabama truck driver was severely injured in May 2009 while loading massive steel coils, weighing about 10 tons, onto a flatbed trailer for the steel company, Olympic Steel, Inc.

Instead of laying the coils flat as requested by McGhee, they were loaded vertically upright as preferred by the customer. Before McGhee could chain them in place, they tipped over and fell onto him. Both his legs were crushed, and his right leg had to be amputated.

McGhee filed a lawsuit against Olympic Steel and several of its employees, claiming their negligence caused his injuries. He argued they should have laid the coils down flat on the trailer bed, which would have eliminated the risk of them tipping over.  He also alleged that the crane used to load the coils had worn brakes and an inept operator, which contributed to the accident. The defendants agreed to settle the case for $6 million.

On June 2009 Bret Michaels, according to reports, was at the Tony Awards and hit in the head with a set piece. Michaels has claimed that this caused brain injuries and a brain hemorrhage that nearly killed him, in addition to a busted lip and broken nose. Along with the physical damages he suffered, he claimed because CBS aired the mishap, he suffered emotional distraught as well.

The former Poison frontman and reality television star did not state how much he was seeking when he sued, but stated the injury hurt his ability to perform at later shows.

Restaurant KFC has been ordered to pay $8.3M to a girl who, according to the court, suffered severe brain damage and was paralysed from eating a Twister wrap. The girl was 7 years old when she suffered salmonella encephalopathy — a brain injury linked to food poisoning that also left her with a blood infection and septic shock.

During the trial, Justice Stephen Rothman said the chicken became contaminated “because of the failure of one or more employees of KFC” to follow proper preparation rules, which he described as “negligent”.

Have you experienced any pain due to a negligence at a fast food restaurant? Contact McAleer Law Firm today at 404-816-7374.