
What is the Process Between Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim to Get to Your End Result?

Georgia, like all states, has a workers’ compensation law. These laws are intended to help employees who are injured on the job get the help they need.

While this sounds great in theory, the process can get complicated without help. The rules need to be both understood and followed for a claim to be successful. When a person suffers a serious injury on the job in Atlanta, it is important for them to consult with an Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyer. The first consultation is free. During this meeting, the injured gets some very helpful advice from our team at McAleer Law while it is decided if the case merits legal representation.

When to Contact an Attorney

It is important to contact an attorney right away after a serious on-the-job injury. Failure to notify the employer immediately and to make a claim within 30 days may cause the loss of benefits. Sometimes the injury is progressive, such as hearing loss. For this type of case, it is important that the injured consult with a competent workers’ compensation attorney who knows how to make a claim for injuries that occur slowly over time.

What is the Law?

Under Georgia Workers’ Compensation Law, medical expenses, rehabilitation, and coverage for lost income are available to employees that suffer an injury on the job. This insurance coverage begins the first day a person starts working for a company that has workers’ compensation coverage.

Every company with more than two workers (even if they are only part-time) must have this insurance in order to operate legally. To find out if a specific employer has this insurance go to and select the choice offered to verify the employer’s coverage.

A company operating in Georgia is also required to post information about the doctors and/or managed health care program that the company has selected to provide medical care for workers injured on the job.

What do I Need to Know About the Benefits?

Workers’ Compensation in Atlanta can be confusing, and we’re sure you have a lot of questions about the benefits of filing a suit. For approved claims, all authorized medical bills are paid. This includes expenses for doctors, hospitals, physical therapy, medications, and necessary travel to receive care. Depending on the injury, medical and vocational rehabilitation may also be covered.

If the injury creates a situation where it is not possible to work for more than one week, then income benefits are paid as well. The income benefits are 2/3 of the average weekly wage up to a maximum of $525.00 per week. The first check is mailed 21 days after the first day an injured employee misses work.

Most claims are limited to a maximum period of 400 weeks unless the injury is catastrophic and qualifies for lifetime benefits. For loss of an arm or leg, 225 weeks of benefits are automatically paid.

If you suffer an on-the-job injury in Atlanta, contact the experienced workers’ compensation attorneys at McAleer Law to get the help you deserve.

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